Have Funn

having funn

Friday, April 12, 2013

What character will have one day your child

Scientists from the University in Philadelphia have shown that child's character is formed after the first six months of life, but is not immutable, because many factors affect.
First of all, the most important is the environment where the child lives. If it is unfavorable to the development of the child's psyche, with time trim child may become withdrawn and frightened. But also conducive environment timid child will make Superman. Therefore, pay attention to your child's behavior from the time when it is very small. Do not expect to pass the time and only then start to improve certain forms of behavior. Of course it should be noted that whatever you do, do it slowly, gradually and easily. Otherwise, children withdrawn will become even more withdrawn, while those problems even more challenging.
Baby "pendant"What is now: Once we spread out on the bed or in the enclosure for the game, immediately rises and extends his hands to take? Constantly sit in your lap and place for your wardrobe? Can only fall asleep if you sit by the bedside and hold the hand? Once presented with a foreign person, the child running towards you and it requires a safe haven? If all of these situations sound familiar, then you are a mother of a child who you hanged as "pendant".What will it be? It is a mistake to think that these babies are mothers pet and will never be separated from the womb. They just are very careful and do not like changes. When you grow it can be helpful, but can also lead to the other extreme! Teach your child from an early age to be independent, but do not make radical steps. To start let her grandmother, grandfather, or someone else who is supposed to, let's say, for half an hour, then gradually zgjateni time being away from her. In the beginning, it will appeal to cry, but over time will adapt.

The baby does not moveWhat is now: Most mothers can be happy if you have a toddler that operates according to the principle "where len, there you will find me." It is quiet, rarely cries, is happy and satisfied wherever you leave it. E receives good spoon, do not complain when you have to sleep, if you happen to cry enough to comfort a little and stop. Such baby since early childhood appeared calm and not issued in dangerous trials.What will be done: There likely will remain so even when he grows up, but care should be taken to be formed as a personality that is not willing to accept the hard side of life. Therefore, trimërojeni since young, sing songs received, encourage him to try to do something that frightened, buy toys that require physical activity and try as much as you are able to actively participate in all the games. In this' way will directly influence the commitment of the child, or to prevent his attitude aside.
Babies "research"What is now: The opposite of the above description, research baby never quiet. It is on the go from morning to night, sleep too little, just enough "to fill the batteries", then "again from the beginning"! When bored, all loudly making informed, because such baby should always be challenges ahead. Is able to be shot a thousand times just to prove that a toy will drop each time and each time requires you to give the same toy. As far as physical development, this is the first baby at all: starts to sit after six months, hang upside down after seven to eight month, while walking in the eleventh month. Her nose should be included in each "hole" does not accept the answer "no." and always know exactly what you want. Such child is really hard to "subdue, but not impossible.What to do: Just that, from an early age to learn what should and what should not, what must and what must not do, because, on the contrary, when the increase may have problem to respect the rules social.

Babies "attractive"
What is now: This toddler constantly laughing, playing and everyone takes their hands who want to take over. Want to be the center of attention and wants to take part in any activity. Attractive baby easily fits any environment, and society with enthusiasm plays with other children. Is not stingy, willingly shares toys and can not bear the loneliness. Do not leave me alone and do not expect to play with toys even if to him fill up to the top bed. All will push and will require attention.
What to do: Read stories, show photos, see together and animated films releasing music. Only in this way your baby will be happy, when you grow you will have someone who will always make you laugh.

Baby "time bomb"
What is now: This is definitely the baby which in this belly knowing what will and what will not. Sounds like a joke, but this has a great deal indeed. When not sleeping, she would not sleep. If you do not want to get, will cry and cry until you leave. If it is not hungry, do not eat even if you offer even a favorite food. You look familiar all these, right?
What will be done: The good news is that these babies change completely after start contact with other children. Then they reduced personal impulse, while he was growing social, so be very prudent in their demands and more suitable for "configuration". Of these babies is important for parents to keep clear and decisive attitude from the beginning, because if feels can manipulate will do so even after the rise


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