Have Funn

having funn

How To Save On To Eliminate Acne And PIMPLES?

Are embarrassing acne treatment doses but that function well for their treatment. Follow these steps to save a nag acne and how to have healthy skin and attractive ete. Step

How To Use Anti-Aging Coffee And Cellulite. Works and For Hair

While theoretical work and studies show evidence of this practice, it is now considered that the miracle of coffee in the fight against wrinkles, cellulite and other problems that women suffer.

Largest pyramid in the world is found in Bosnia, built by Illyrians

A television documentary aired by the History Channel, has demonstrated overlooking the pyramids of Visoko in

Monday, April 29, 2013

Tourist destinations not preferred by tourists

Destinations like London, Paris or New York are always preferred by tourists all over the world, but there is a little list of cities visited, though they have much to offer.
American magazine "Travel and Leisure" offered a list of these underrated destinations, among which listed names like Detroit, Bratislava and Glasgow.
Detroit - A wonderful city, so the combination of the brilliant few grandiose projects of various architectural styles. Although little known outside the city, the museum's magnificent engines and coffee "Mongo", famous for the best jazz music in the world, not to be missed.
Taipei - In the years 1980-1990, the capital of three million people of Taiwan was killed by smog. Today, Taipei is one of the most pleasant cities in the world, filled with endless green spaces and famous for its cuisine worldwide.
Tucson - City with 500 thousand inhabitants in Arizona is famous for its golf fields and rodeo, but situated between the mountains, it is also a center filled with beauty that belong to world heritage. Historic buildings and roads closed to traffic on weekends do Tuksonin extremely hospitable, and its restaurants are among the best in the world.
Glasgow - London and Manchester can absorb all the tourists in the UK, but it is a sin not to visit the Museum of Art in Glasgow, Scotland center with characteristic buildings or miniteatrot placed anywhere in the city.
NARA - The neglected in favor of the neighboring city of Kyoto, Nara is the former imperial capital of Japan. Besides ancient Buddhist temples and buildings Emperor, the city is rich with magnificent parks complex, dating back to the VIII century.
Bratislava - magnificent buildings, plazas and a stunning medieval castle in the middle of the city. It is not about Prague, but for other pearl beyond the Danube - Bratislava. The capital of Slovakia has left behind the image of the grim communist blocks, while that of EU accession has become a dynamic city, filled with pubs and places of entertainment.
Providence - Located near Boston, the city that hosts the largest museum in the world of impressionism, is not known. Meanwhile, he has become famous for shops and restaurants which served with French finesse.
Adelajde - Nicknamed the "city of churches" in Australia can Adelajde boasts a long coastline and picturesque, with a deep respect to the local indigenous population, with its coffee culture, avant-garde art museums and art biennial Adelajdės, which conducted every two years in March and is the world's largest of its kind.
Valparajso - Who knows Valparajson in Chile? Two hours drive from the capital Santiago, Valparajso is a colorful city, built on a series of hills, which give some indentation magnificent view of the town. The center has a bohemian style, while hotels nineteenth century many visitors welcome. You can also visit the museum "La Sebastiana" or house of prize winners' Prize for Literature ", Pablo Neruda.
Nauru, get to know the less visited country in the world
-Island state Nauru, the space of 20 square kilometers, located 4 thousand km Australia, Quiet Ocean.This year visited the island in less than 200 tourists, which is a small number compared with a plane to Las Vegas tourists who land in second.
Nauru has very low income per capita, as phosphorus mines were closed and the island remained without income.There are many reasons for the low number of tourists in this country, but could simply be the high price of the stay, but the actual risk that exists in those countries.
10 least visited countries in the world:1. Nauru with 200 tourists in 20112. Somalia with 500 tourists in 20123. Tuvalu with 1200 tourists in 20114. Kiribati with 4700 tourists in 20115. Marsal Islands with 5,000 tourists in 20116. Equatorial Guinea with 6000 tourists in 20127. Turkmenistan with 7000 tourists in 20078. Sao-Tome-and-Principe with 8000 tourists in 20109. Koromos with 15,000 tourists in 201010. Afghanistan with 17,500 tourists in 2012

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How To Save On To Eliminate Acne And PIMPLES?

Are embarrassing acne treatment doses but that function well for their treatment. Follow these steps to save a nag acne and how to have healthy skin and attractive ete.
If parent you have acne, you should try to stay in the sun. The sun can dry out the skin and eliminate acne. You can use the beds to get sunlightStep II
Next, If parent you want to know how to escape acne, you should drink more water. Water is essential for the function to clean the skin. Drink 6-8 glasses of water every day. In addition, water helps you nxierrjen of toxic substances from your body.
Step III
Also, If parent you want to know how to escape acne, you should try to make your facial steam. You can buy one facial steamer, or boil water and when the water begins to evaporate and keep you near your face for about 20 minutes. Heat will cause sweating and you will open the pores and cleanse the face. You should wash your face when you finish working.
Step IV
Next, you can use a mild facial cleaners, If parent you want to know how to escape acne. . If parent fytyen you wash too often, your condition may become worse and your skin may be chafes.
Step V
In addition, If parent you want to be saved from acne you need to do exercise. Exercises will add to your mood and reduce stress levels. Also it will increase the blood circulation in your body and skin.Step VI
If parent also want to reduce your acne, you need to reduce stress. You should make sure to sleep enough and you need to take time off from work or from paslestra. Doing things relaxing and your skin will look much better.
Step VIINext, If parent want to know how escape acne, you can use baking soda. Miksoni little baking soda with water and place it in the face. You can sleep in the night and your condition will IMPROVED.
In addition, you need to reduce sugars and fats in your diet because it can worsen the condition. Stay away from foods that you get healed and less nutritious foods and fruits. These would be excellent for your skin. If parent you follow these types, how to escape acne, your skin will look fantastic.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

19 amazing facts you did not know

Did you know that a squirrel forgets 50% of the countries where the hazelnuts or walnuts hides the astronauts who visited the area say that the universe smell steak? If the body of an adult man are 60,000 miles of blood vessels? These and many other curiosities publishes news network "Huffington Post"

Current studies suggest that our galaxy, the Milky Way, there are up to 400 billion stars and more than 50 billion planets. Scientists believe that 1% of them (about 500 million planets) have conditions suitable for life forms to develop.

In the human body there are about 60,000 miles of blood vessel. If we rreshtonim them one after the other, will do two times and a half laps around the world.

As you read this phrase, 25 million cells of your body die, but do not panic because your body creates every day about 300 billion other cells.

Kangaroo can only jump if its tail touches the ground.

A snail can sleep exceed three consecutive years without ever waking.

According austronatëve universe smells of grilled steak, heated metal and welding smoke.
Org pig asthma lasts about 30 minutes.

Planets, stars and galaxies, all together, make up only 5% of the universe, the rest is what scientists call "dark matter".

Squirrels forget the existence of about 50% of the nuts and hazelnuts to hide during the day.

In our body iron is so much to create a nail in about 8 centimeters.

Every second, the United States consumed about 45 kilograms of chocolate.

The introduction of the fingers in the nose repeatedly is a disorder called obsesivo-kompulsiv rhinotillexomania.

The Holy Bible is the most stolen book of all time in libraries around the world.

Were it not for the gastric mucosal membranes, stomach acid would destroy the latter.

Our brain produces enough energy to light as a lamp.

Some animal species have the ability to freeze in winter with ice and then melt and be back in the spring.

A man can live without 80% of his intestine. Our bodies may seem fragile, but it is possible to live without a spleen and stomach and without 75% of his liver.

In the universe has at least 10 billion trillion stars

If during pregnancy a woman suffering from damage to a body, the fetus can "send" stem cells to repair the damage.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Eat drink that should Every Morning

Most of us work first to do in the morning is to drink a cup of coffee to relax for the whole day, but few know that there is a drink that is preferred over coffee.
This drink is very good for your body and its consumption should become a regular ritual.
The recipe is very simple, in a glass of lukewarm water squeeze half a lemon. This will help you to strengthen your immunity and metabolism, to cleanse the body, you will also help to reduce the feeling of hunger.
This drink is rich in vitamin C and thus strengthens immunity which helps the body to fight against colds. At the same time it facilitates drinks digestive process and helps if you stomach swell.
Once the lemon is rich in antioxidants, its consumption helps to prevent skin aging. Vitamin C helps build collagen which keeps your skin young.
This drink will help you update the mouth odor.
But the advantages do not end here drink with alcohol consumption and protect health, and reduce stress and is good for calming inflammatory.

Interesting: Explanation of Dream "I Scoot ... Someone I haunt me!"

I think the most common dreams of all of us, is run and if someone follows us ...

Often ask ... what does this mean?
Who are we really follow?

But in fact this does not mean bad something, it expresses what we are doing in real life.

Tells us that we are pursuing a specific objective in life and seek to achieve.

But if we're being followed by a monster, wolf or hooded man then we are close to catch the anxiety or depression.

Trail "scoffed at" NASA

Publication of an image showing the trace activity in March, almost was believed by the scientists of NASA.

"Curiosity" images sent to earth by rotating the red planet and one of them clearly seen traces of a machine that had passed over the surface of the planet.

Everything became more credible when it was discovered that traces of trajketores of "Curiosity" with those sent to earth which means that something else had gone there before. But after the deepening of research it became clear that the track was about two robots started nine years ago by NASA, or the Spirit and Opportunity.

NASA lost its control over the "Spirit" in 2009, when the mechanism was stuck in a sandy ground, while Opportunity continues its path towards Endeavour crater.

20 questions to see if you are eligible

A link has to do with finding a person like yourself. It is known that the opposite withdrawn, but if you have very contrasting features, your relationship may not succeed.
1. What is the number of calls that should have a couple in a day?
2. What is the most important thing for a successful connection?
3. What does the betrayal?
4. Will I told her 'I'm sorry', even if it is not your fault?
S. How should the couple planned finances?
6. What was your first impression of me?
7. Can I avoid flirting with someone attractive /'s, when I'm not with you?
8. Do you think that the romantic gifts should be useful, or a symbol?
9. What is the best memory you have with me?
10. Believes that the secrets of the past connections should remain so?
11. After a divorce, would ask me all the gifts, would you bring them to have given?
12. Romantic song which describes our relationship?
13. Describe male / female ideal / of.
14. Would you lie to make me happy?
15. Who would prefer to partner, one that looks more beautiful, or one that is too / wise?
16. Would you feel the / unsafe if I worked overtime?
17. If you were / are convinced that take a wrong decision, what would you do?
18. How many children would you like to have in the future?
19. What would I change?
20. If you had a bad day, or would you like to stay alone, or would want to be with you to turn humor?

Tonight spectacular lunar eclipse, the shortest in 60 years

Hours anticipated launch of the phenomenon is about 21:50 in the evening.

All eyes to heaven, because tonight could see a lunar eclipse that although partial, will provide unprecedented spectacle, thanks to the full moon. Seeing that weather forecasts are optimistic, this phenomenon will be visible to the naked eye even in our country. But what is projected peak hour?
Hours anticipated launch of "obscuring" is about 21:50, when the Moon will enter the Earth's shadow cone and go out around 22:20. Maximum points is projected to 22:07 pm, when the Moon is among orbit around Earth will form a straight line with the Earth and the Sun. This partial eclipse can be seen with the naked eye, although it is advisable to use a binoculars. However, those who are unable to leave the house, you can see directly on the Internet at "Virtual Telescope". NASA expert, Fred Espenak explained that "this eclipse will be very short, maximum 27 minuta.Regjistrohet as the shortest since 1958's".

How to have a fresh mouth and teeth healthy

Enough with the heavy smell of the mouth, with dark spots on the teeth and the teeth of angry meats. Foods that lays the table can give a magic smile though. Here's the advice:
If you have white teeth
Put food on the table conducive to cleaning teeth. Say "yes" mëllagës, its leaves act as a natural brush. Move leaves her finger to teeth and gums. Many are also good for teeth artichoke, apple, salad, orange: these are foods rich in fiber that act as sponges to teeth cleaners.Drink at least 2 liters of water a day and keep hold in mouth as if to make a rinse, so mineralizon cleans teeth and enamel. In fact, water has fluoride which blocks the activity of bacteria that cause decay. For this reason eat one kiwi and tomato salad every day, they also have fluoride.Do not excepted from the diet beans, fresh cheese, qu ¬ mështin: containing phosphorus contributes to rimineralizmin teeth.Active - cabbage consumed quotient which sulfur, an element that is part of the enamel and dentine.If you are playful sparkling beverages, because they ngushëllohu ortofosferik acid that serves as bleach. And sometimes, drink some lemonade, is rich in citric acid which is abrasive.Chew sugar-free chewing gum and some salad leaves, to assist in the production of saliva has disinfectant and abrasive substances that serve as bleach.If meats strong teeth
At noon limonada drink and orange juice, containing vitamins that reactivates the circulation, thus oksigjenon cells strengthens the mucous membranes of the mouth and gums. Not only that, mucous membranes Vitamins activate enzymes by creating a protective barrier against germs.Consumed at least 2-3 times a week, meat and fish, have proteins that keep cells in shape.Do not forget to bring in your diet carrots, pears and apples are rich in fiber and water and keep fresh, clean gums.Sometimes consumed a banana: ksititol contains a type of sugar that blocks the production of bacteria.In the morning consumed cow's milk yogurt or goat, his laktobakteret keep oral bacteria under control.If a flavored oral
Drink plenty of fluids during the day. Dehydration actually causes the bad smell from the mouth, dry mouth and saliva become acidic.For all recipes, parsley wholesale uses: it is rich in potassium year. A, C, E that contribute to good health of the mouth. Besides containing many aromatic substances.Come taste the savory dishes, is a rich aromatics year. And that fluoride mouth fragrant.Mint is also very good, reactivates the functioning of the digestive system and the liver. Its leaves have menthol, which serves as anti - mikrobital.Prepare the cabbage on the table, but the yolk of the egg. Have annually. K which avoids bad digestion is often responsible for the bad smell of the mouth.Against caries
Nuts and cereals, integral riekulibrojnë salivary pH favoring rikalcifimimin teeth.Use raw honey instead of sugar, contains vitamins and minerals beneficial to the mouth and teeth.Say "yes" to wash fresh vegetables tooth surface and allow to have a fresh mouth.Consumed low-fat yogurt.Integral cereals and legumes are rich in zinc and tone, cod and salmon have selenium, two elements that help to have healthy teeth and beautiful.Use olive oil in salads, has vitamin E that protects the mucous membranes of the mouth and prevents the multiplication of bacteria that cause decay.

Women in politics

Albanian women are doing for the first part of the first Parliament in the Legislature, that the years 1945 to 1950. In a total of 82 deputies, six of them were women.
Subsequent four-led numbers to 17, increasing progressively to the legislature from 1974 to 1978, where the 250 seats in parliament, 88 of them were women. Some of them also members of the Politburo of those years, was appointed minister for more than one term.
Longest female minister in Parliament before the 90-es has been put Thomas, Minister of Agriculture in 76-89 years. Tefta Cami politikaneje another familiar figure of the regime, stood for 11 years at the head of the Ministry of Education, in 76-87 years. Vito Kapo eight years held the post of minister of light industry from year 82 to year 90.
In the last legislature, before the fall of the dictatorship, in the years '87-'91 in 75 women entered parliament. The lowest number of women in Parliament has been 91-92 legislature in early elections, with only 9 women MPs, eight of the Democratic Party and the Socialist Party, which was Ermelinda Mexi.
Women politicians in Albania, after 90
Neither upheaval systems or continuous rotation policy in the country have not improved the situation of women's representation in politics.
Renewed Despite international appeals for the 30% participation of women in politics, the scene is still dominated by men.
Statistics show that the largest number of women in parliament has been reached after the parliamentary elections of 28 June 2009, where all political parties are represented by 23 deputies women. Second place is occupied by the 1996 elections, where 21 women won the deputy mandate.
2005 parliamentary elections ended with ten women MPs, while legislatures with fewer female MPs are those of the term '92-'96 with 9 women in the years 2001-2005 with the same figure. The situation improved after the change of the electoral system, which stops the division of women into parliamentary groups is equal, where 11 female MPs will be under the banner of the Socialist Party and 11 other under the banner of the Democratic Party.
As veterans of Parliament Topalli recognized by Ermelinda Mexi Democratic Party and the Socialist Party, with more than two terms. Age group of women in politics varies from 30-50 years and only few of them are proposed as candidates and have earned more than one term.
Most of them come from ekonomistes professions, lawyer's and lecturer, but over the last Legislature have not missed even actresses.
Female politicians around the world
Women in politics04/23/2013 18:30
Albanian women are doing for the first part of the first Parliament in the Legislature, that the years 1945 to 1950. In a total of 82 deputies, six of them were women.
Subsequent four-led numbers to 17, increasing progressively to the legislature from 1974 to 1978, where the 250 seats in parliament, 88 of them were women. Some of them also members of the Politburo of those years, were appointed minister for more than one term.
Longest female minister in Parliament before the 90-es has been put Thomas, Minister of Agriculture in 76-89 years. Tefta Cami politikaneje another familiar figure of the regime, stood for 11 years at the head of the Ministry of Education, in 76-87 years. Vito Kapo eight years held the post of minister of light industry from year 82 to year 90.
In the last legislature, before the fall of the dictatorship, in the years '87-'91 in 75 women entered parliament. The lowest number of women in Parliament has been 91-92 legislature in early elections, with only 9 women MPs, eight of the Democratic Party and the Socialist Party, which was Ermelinda Mexi.
Women politicians in Albania, after 90
Neither upheaval systems or continuous rotation policy in the country have not improved the situation of women's representation in politics.
Renewed Despite international appeals for the 30% participation of women in politics, the scene is still dominated by men.
Statistics show that the largest number of women in parliament has been reached after the parliamentary elections of 28 June 2009, where all political parties are represented by 23 deputies women. Second place is occupied by the 1996 elections, where 21 women won the deputy mandate.
2005 parliamentary elections ended with ten women MPs, while legislatures with fewer female MPs are those of the term '92-'96 with 9 women in the years 2001-2005 with the same figure. The situation improved after the change of the electoral system, which stops the division of women into parliamentary groups is equal, where 11 female MPs will be under the banner of the Socialist Party and 11 other under the banner of the Democratic Party.
As veterans of Parliament Topalli recognized by Ermelinda Mexi Democratic Party and the Socialist Party, with more than two terms. Age group of women in politics varies from 30-50 years and only few of them are proposed as candidates and have earned more than one term.
Most of them come from ekonomistes professions, lawyer's and lecturer, but over the last Legislature have not missed even actresses.
Female politicians around the world
There are only appropriate candidate for a job, but also to women who can blindly trust to manage the "pilots" of a state. Income from different backgrounds and professions, they have shown they know how to best handle the pressure and responsibility to issue a crisis and to make life safer and better people to vote.
There are women who run the policy side of the globe angle, which are appreciated by the world's most prestigious magazines and often are just as famous as the highest paid footballers. Just a few days ago killed Margaret Thatcher, one of the women who lingered in local history and strong character. The so-called "Iron Lady" Thatcher broke down taboos around the world and showed that women could be just as capable as men and to keep the great responsibility on their shoulders.
Over the years, mainly during recent international political arena women leaders are increasing. In connection with this phenomenon, a few months ago, the prestigious magazine 'Forbes' most powerful women classify the world for 2012, which come from the field of politics. With more than a ranking, Forbes highlighted the dynamic changes of women's involvement in politics.
Chair of the list of most powerful women in the world was German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who became famous for "strong hand" that not only gave the Federal Republic of Germany, but also all countries in the eurozone crisis. Merkel was followed in that order by former U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton. Clinton also former First Lady of America, became known to the policies overseas, mainly to give contribution to helping women and development issues and education, which led to the top axendën foreign policy.
Dilma Rousseff, President of Brazil, finished in third place for special merits given to recovery and strengthening the local economy. Economist by profession, former Marxist guerrillas backed small business initiatives and major infrastructure projects, which led the country into a new era of development.
In the first ten Forbes also ranked Sonia Gandhi, president of Indian National Party and Janet Napolitano, the first female head of the Department of Homeland Security U.S..
During recent times, even fanatical countries have believed women were running, starting from the president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Aung San Suu Kyi, General Secretary of the National League of Democracy in Burma, the Australian Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, Yingluck Shinawatra, Prime Minister of Tailandës, Joyce Banda, President of Malawi, and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President of Liberia.
Behind them is a large number of voters and supporters

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lasso buys discotheque in Italy and Italian clients bars

Has caused no small sensation in Italy opening night of a bar by an Albanian. Noise is made not to shop, but to conditions that are set by 32-year-old owner, Ramiz Kryemadhi.
After purchasing the discotheque in the city of Pordenone, 32-year-old has set as a condition to prevent the entry of young people into the Italian.
Discotheque name is "Il Papillon" and was purchased in November of last year.
The owner of the premises allocated to the area known in both environments. In an area of ​​music is hip-hop and the rest is the area of ​​Romanian folk music. In this way most of the customers premises are citizens of Romania.
Name of the restaurant is known by most young people in the area, but the young Italians are unable to enter.
On the information provided on the premises described and have the characteristics to be customers. "New information: As of Saturday, the staff has decided to select and control all clients. Persons who are not Romanian nationals must be accompanied by a woman. Otherwise do not enter ", said the announcement of the discotheque staff.
According to the owner of the premises, the decision was taken to avoid problems. He says that if someone comes accompanied with disco girls, is quiet and does not generate problems during the holiday.
Young Italians in the area have reacted to this decision, but the rule is not violated accepted by the 32-year-old owner.
While Italian media have paid little attention to this event no. "Think what would happen if the owner of the discotheque will be Italian and decide not to allow entry of Albanians ...." writes mattinoonline, one of the Italian media about the decision of the owner of the 'Il Papillon ". This bar is one of the largest in area in the north of Italy Prodenones.

German occupation

Real Madrid are kings kneeling before Borussia Dortmund in the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals held at Signal Iduna Park that ended with the score 4-1 in favor of the home team.
Furious locals began and reached the summit ahead goal in the eighth minute. An indentation Mario Goetzes hosted on Robert Lewandowski area to go-ahead goal.

In addition guests circulate better ball, but the hosts were very dangerous when they attack. However, before the first part (43 '), Cristiano Ronaldo took a assistance of Gonzalo Higuain to level the score.

In the second fraction, the BVB fully deklasoi Los Blancos, who looked lost on the field. It was the evening of the attackers Polish Lewandowski.

Five minutes into the second half, he turned the advantage of Germans (50 '). Assistance was Marco Reus. As with a lovely goal, 24-year-old completed his het-trick (55 ').

A wrongful interference to the detriment of Reus Alonso was booked with penalties and there was superLewandowski to convert the goal (66 ').

Until last hum judge, Real Madrid failed to do anything, but to get to the finals must win at least 3-0. Given these results, we can easily German final at Wembley

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fifty amazing facts about the Earth

Yesterday marked the worldwide Earth Day, in order to emphasize the importance of preserving the environment and the planet itself. Timing. net transmits the list of 50 incredible facts about the universe, atmosphere, land, sea, designed by Girafa Blog
The universe
* 150 billion was the cost to the international Space Station, which makes it the most expensive object in history,
* 6 billion miles is the furthest distance from Earth is photographed
* 10 days is Tardigradi time, more resistant creatures in the world, can pass into space
* 2 minutes is the time one can spend in space unprotected
* High air pollution in China can be seen from space, but can be seen Great Wall of China
* During the day have 24 hours - 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds up time required for the Earth to rotate around its own axis and this is called sidereal day
* 38,000 objects that are created by people revolve around the Earth by the 1957 launch of Sputnjikut
* The land has an area that is more polished than the game is the sphere of spheres. The high mountains and deep oceans comprise 1/5000 part of the perimeter of the Earth
* NASA estimates that Earth Day falls on a leftover piece of the universe
* About the Earth at this moment there are 22,000 objects built by man who circumference 10 inches and more
* 100 tons of small meteorites, mainly fragments of dust, every day entering the Earth's atmosphere
* Largest meteorite that has ever fallen on Earth crater left behind him, as Hoban meteorite was Petak, certainly was rejected by earth stone on the surface of the water
* 19 km is the height at which it is necessary to keep the pressure garments. If clothes are not maintained, the water begins to boil. This limit is called the height of Armstrong
* The ozone hole is shrinking. Mbështellse holes in 2012 was the lowest in 10 years
* 4.3 quadrillion dollars is the value of the deal to the atmosphere if a cubic meter CO2 penny costs 1.3
* Land of lightning hit 8.6 million
* Dinosaurs could exist only once though the atmosphere was much more oxygen
* In 97 percent of the Earth is salt water and only 3 percent of fresh
* The Antarctic ice that has more water in the Atlantic
* 1 liter of sea water contains 12 billion share of a gram of gold
* 90 percent of the world's oceans waste consists of plastic
* Every year 2,000 new creatures describe marine
* Ocean represents 99 percent of the space for life on Earth
* Every year from shark attacks of 8-12 people lose their lives. Every year 100 million sharks kill him because of his papers
* Nearly one million species of creatures living in the oceans which two thirds should describe
* 90 percent of volcanic activity occurring in the oceans
* If all the world to collect water in a ball it would be 860 kilometers in diameter, the icy moon of Saturn Tetus
* Deepest part of the ocean is 10.9 kilometers and called Marian channel
* Earth is the only planet in our solar system that has tectonic plates. Without them carbon can not be consumed and Land reciklohej and could overload
* Rare elements are not rare. Luteciumi (Lu), rare element ik, is 200 times more common than gold layer of the Earth
* 99 percent of the gold is located in the heart of the Earth, which would be enough to circle the Earth to become a thickness of 46 centimeters wrapping
* 5500 Celsius heat is the heart of the Earth, which is the temperature of the Sun
* In the heart of the Earth is solid iron sphere with a diameter of 2,400 kilometers. Although due to heat is white, the pressure is so high that you can not merge
* Weight 55 is our largest crystal on Earth is found in Mexico mine
* Under the Amazon River is 'river' Rio Hamza, which in some parts is up to 400 kilometers wide. He walks with a millimeter per hour speed through rocks
* 2.8 miles is greater depth in which bacteria is found. They live by transforming the uranium radioactivity in water and energy
* 40 million tons is the amount of wind carries dust from the Sahara to the Amazon
* In Turkmestan location is called "gates of hell". It is a hole filled with gas now 40 years of uninterrupted light
* 3.5 billion years is the age of the fossils found in Australia. They are much older than the moment when Earth's atmosphere was oxygen
* 57.8 degrees Celsius was the highest temperature ever recorded. This happened in 1922 in Libya
* 90.2 degrees Celsius is the lowest temperature ever recorded. This has happened in Antartik
* It has been almost 2 million years since I dropped a drop of water in the driest place in the world in Antarctica
* The continents move each year by 2 inches
* 75 percent of all animal species could be extinct in the next 300 years
* It is estimated that the land identified only 14 percent of all species
* Every day 200,000 people are born
* So far on Earth 106 billion people have lived
* By 2050 the Earth will be 9.2 billion people
* 2 people die every second

Manhattan, the heart of the heart of the world, history and mysteries.

If New York is America's heart, the heart is the heart of Manhattan. Not just that on the island of 8746 square kilometers live one and a half million inhabitants, it is not just the extreme of development, not simply because it is the center of the "capital" of the UN, and not that they produce billions of dollars. But more than that, Manhattan is a symbol of economic and cultural development. But as is true in Manhattan, who are the people who populate it and how life works?


Manhattan name stems from the word "Mann-Hatta" and translated from the Lenape language, thought to mean "island of many hills". Encyclopedia of New York also offers other derivatives are descended from the language Munsen, manahachtanienk which means "place of general intoxication", menatay "island".

Important items

The former Twin Towers, were once iconic symbol of the city and located in lower Manhattan. With height 417 and 415 meters, 110-story buildings were the tallest buildings in the world since 1972. In the late 20th century the twin towers were undoubtedly one of the most famous buildings in the world to destruction on 11 September 2001. "Freedom Tower" building that will replace the twin towers is under construction and expected to be completed in 2011.

"Central Park"

"Central Park" (Central Park) was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux. The 3.4 square kilometer park offers places to walk, two ice rink, shelter for wildlife, green areas used for various sports, as well as playgrounds for children. The park is an oasis for migrating birds, and for this reason it is a meeting point for the passionate bird-watcher.

While most of the park seems quite natural, he is working in this form and contains many artificial lakes. Construction of the "Central Park" in 1850 was one of the most massive public projects. About 20 thousand workers worked to shape the English-style pastoral landscape that aimed to create Olmsted and Vaux.


Manhattan has often been the scene of the most important cultural movements in the U.S.. The vibrant visual arts scene in Manhattan in the 1960s - was the scene movement 60s American pop art. Which gave birth to giants as Jasper Johns and Roy Lichtenstein. A popular haven for art is also adjacent neighborhood "Chelsea", where there are over 200 art galleries that are home to modern art by young artists and established. Theatre "Broadway" is often regarded as the highest form of professional theater in the U.S.. Theaters and musical parts of a scene made of 39 professional theaters with at least 500 seats, positioned around the square "Times Square". A little further "Times Square" is "Lincoln Center", a haven from the most prestigious opera houses in the world, "Metropolitan Opera".

State: New York

Manhattan district president, Scott Stringer
Population: 1,537,195
Area: 87.46 square kilometers

- Manhattan includes the following islands: "Randall Island"
"Ward's Island"
"Roosevelt Island"
"Governors Island"
"Liberty Island"

- Manhattan adjacent neighborhoods: "Chinatown"

- Given that it is the headquarters of the United Nations, Manhattan is home of the biggest diplomatic bodies of the world, including 105 consulates.

- In the city of Manhattan is New York, built in 1916 and one of the largest governmental buildings in the world.

- The average age of the population in Manhattan is 36 years.

- Manhattan is one of the countries with the highest income per capita in the U.S..
- On the island are: Theatre "Broadway"
-Square "Times Square"
-University of New York
- Columbia University
- "Wall Street"
- "Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts"
- "The American Museum of Natural History"
- "Central Park"

- The Manhattan real estate are worth more in the U.S., and the neighborhood is considered the country's economic engine.

- The most important economic sector is the finance industry.

- 280,000 finance sector employees have earned more than half of all wages paid in the neighborhood of Manhattan.

- In 2006, those in the finance industry earned an average week around 8300 dollars including bonuses.

- 11.3 percent of jobs in this neighborhood are in the health sector.

- Seven of the eight networks of larger agencies in the advertising world are positioned in Manhattan.

- According to the 2006 statistics, the average weekly wage of the employees in Manhattan was in 1453, the highest in the country.

- Main media centers that are located in Manhattan:
"New York Times"
"New York Daily News"
"New York Post"
"The Wall Street Journal"
"ABC", "CBS", "FOX"

- Manhattan is unique in the U.S. for intensive use of public transportation and lack of private cars.

- While 88 percent of Americans go to work on their own cars in Manhattan, 72 percent of people use public transport.

- Metro New York is the largest system of its kind worldwide transportation.

The Louvre Museum

Found Louvre Museum in Paris, France. He is one of the largest museums and world famous and also ranks second in number of visitors.

On 8 November 1793, after more than two centuries as the Royal Palace, the Louvre opened as a public museum in Paris by the French Revolutionary government. Today, the collection of the Louvre is one of the richest in the world, with artwork representing 11,000 years of human civilization and culture.
The Louvre Palace was begun by King Francis I in 1546 through a fortress in the 12th century built by King Philip II. Francis was a great collector of art, and Louvre would serve as his royal residence. Work, which was overseen by architect Pierre Lesco, continued after the death of Francis and during the reign of King Henry II and Charles IX.
Almost all followers of the French monarchy expanded Louvre and more work was added by Louis XIII and Louis XIV in the 17th century. Both these kings also added a collection of royal crowns and Louis XIV assured collection of art by Charles I of England after his execution in the English Civil War.
In 1682, Louis XIV transferred his royal palace at Versailles, and the Louvre was not the main royal residence. In the spirit of the French Enlightenment, many French were looking for public exposure royal collection. Denis Diderot, French writer and philosopher, was among the first to propose a national art museum to the public.
Although King Louis XV temporarily exposed parts of selected paintings in the Luxembourg Palace, in 1750, was the French Revolution, of 1789, which brought real progress in creating a permanent museum. On 8 November 1793, the revolutionary government opened the Musée Central des Arts in the Great Gallery of the Louvre.
The Louvre collection was enriched quickly. French armies were works of art and archaeological sites from the occupied territories and, during the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars. After the defeat of Napoleon, in 1815, many of these looted artwork returned.
But collection of Egyptian antiquities of the Louvre and other departments owe the Napoleonic invasions. Two new wings were added to the building in the 19th century and the Louvre building was completed in 1857, during the reign of Napoleon III.
In the '80s and '90s, the Grand Louvre, officially known as the museum underwent a major remodeling. Modern equipment was added to the museum and opened thousands of square meters of new exhibition space.

Chinese-American architect IM Pei built a steel and glass pyramid in the center of the courtyard of Napoleon. In 1993, the 200th anniversary of the museum, a reconstructed wing ago, occupied by the French Ministry of Finance, was opened to the public. It was the first time that the entire Louvre museum was dedicated for the purpose.

Monday, April 22, 2013

That's why the egg is so important for our health!

1. Eggs are excellent for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent damage to the eye, due to the carotenoid content of a substance, specifically "lutein" and "zezaxanthin". Both of these help to absorb by our body from the egg, which has the highest percentage compared with other foods.

2. People who consume eggs every day, have a low risk to be affected by cataracts (eye veil).

3. One egg contains 6gr protein and 9 types of amino acids.

4. Reference, Harvard University studies public health, the egg is very good for heart disease such as: prevent, the heart attack, blood clots, etc..

5. Are rich with "choline". One yolk contains 300 micrograms of "choline", which is an important component that helps in the development of the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.

Serbs: Greater Albania is ticking, joining in 2016

As will be maps of the Balkans for future generations? Greater Albania Project is just a fantasy, without any basis to countries in the region, or that there are real opportunities in the future to have a greater Albanian state? These are questions the author raises Djordjevic Radeta the headline "Greater Albania is ticking", published yesterday in the Serbian media "Vecernje Novosti". The article author of three scholarly opinions shpalosh Dimitris Panatojakis Dragan Petrovic and Jadranka Poloviç according to which virtually Greater Albania is working. The question asks whether the author is formally recognized its existence. The first is of the opinion that Greater Albania can become reality without major conflicts, as countries in the region depend largely of aid from abroad, which could force give consent to its existence. The second is of the opinion that the success of the Albanian factor will depend on how threatened they feel and how other states will react to this project: if Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia and Greece together and face this problem seriously with an attitude common.Dragan PetrovicIn the opinion of Dr. Dragan Petrovic, historian and political scientist, who once promoted the book "Geopolitics of the Mediterranean", the idea of ​​a Greater Albania would be nothing more than an extremist tendency, if not extended after its political support United States of America, Great Britain and a good part of Germany. While supporting the circuits mentioned Islamic world.
"The Albanian factor would not have any chance of success, if Belgrade, Podgorica and Skopje with Athens would cooperate strategically advance the issue, relying on great powers, which do not admit such an action: The whole community The Bric countries, as well as those of European Union countries, which do not support such extremist concepts, such as France, Spain, Italy, Slovakia, Romania. U.S. policy, the main sponsor of Albanian revisionism has strong influence in the Balkan countries and some governments are acting directly against the interests of its long-term ", the article highlights Petrovic. Governments were not Podgorica and Skopje recognized that phantom state of Kosovo, as well as officials in Belgrade in 2008 made a series of errors were unacceptable in relation to Kosovo and Metohija, even acting against their Constitution adds. - Further researcher adds that - if not respect the constitution, do not expect respect from others ".
Dimitris Panatojakis"Albanians hope that the dream of a Greater Albania be realized in the near future, in 2016," says Dimitris Panatojakis, political analyst "News". Further notes that Washington Brussels have already spent considerable sums of money for this purpose and have no intention that this money wasted. According to Greek analyst, after the recognition of Kosovo, the project of a Greater Albania is perhaps more feasible than at the beginning of World War II. "The so-called state of Kosovo declared independence on condition that it does not recognize the right of union with another state. However it is obvious that the union of Serbia's southern province with Albania is only a matter of time. So, we have a nation divided in two neighboring countries and major powers seeking their unification, "says Panatojakis.Greek analyst adds that after the unification of Kosovo with Albania, the scenario of subsequent events is quite clear: first, the question will arise of West Macedonia (FYROM) and behind it, the other regions populated by Albanians. "Greater Albania can not be formalized yet, but practically functioning as borders between Kosovo and Albania did not exist, while it between Kosovo and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia is more imaginary than real," says Panatojakis.Greek expert recalls the Albanian territory in Greater Albania will be added to Kosovo and Metohija, the Presevo Valley in southern Serbia, western part of the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, southern and eastern part of the Ulcinj Montenegro and other territories, and South Epirus in Greece, while the Greeks their card play Northern Epirus, which has a population dominated by the Greek minority. Albanians claim that everything will yield positive results over time.Poloviç"Hillary Clinton's visit to the region last year (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Albania and Croatia), during which no head journey towards Macedonia, in my opinion was a 'death sentence' for this country, who previously nurturing positive feelings toward America. Greater Albania will launch the extent of Macedonia ", says Jadranka Poloviç, Croatian political scientist, who has his doctorate with a scientific work on U.S. influence in the region. Even Poloviç also finds that the border between Albania and Kosovo does not exist, says that while he believes the leaders of the Albanian Nationalist Movement according to which the great powers have agreed to a new geopolitical map of Europe, including Great Albania. "I think that in the future most likely Serbia and Croatia will share their Bonjë Herzegovina, but states will remain small compared to Greater Albania, which will be under the umbrella of the European Union," he Poloviç.
Researcher sees this reconfiguration of the Balkan conflicts happen without great (maybe a little resistance will make Macedonia and Greece) while explaining that Montenegro, Kosovo and Macedonia depend heavily on the help and influence of the United States of America. According to her, Belgrade, Skopje, Podgorica Athens will provide the required consensus. "Such a result is not unexpected in a region where the prevailing mentality of being under the protection of the Great Powers. The great reach accord well with each other, while we remain small grudges us motivated by nationalism, "says Poloviç.
Peacefully or fight?While in turn, is of the opinion that Panatojakis Greater Albania can not be achieved through democratic ways. "In Kosovo reached their goal of war, while in FYROM can reach through small conflicts. But when it comes to Greece, things change, because despite economic problems remain serious and increasingly strong state, "says Panatojakis. Greek analyst said that the movement for Natural Albania seeks to imply that the journey toward the ultimate goal would be done through democratic means, avoiding the term "Greater Albania", which would lead to the consequence that their project will not asocioohet the fascist idea of "Greater Albania" of World War II. But on the other hand Panatojakis notes that refer more and more soldiers as liberators in Macedonia and the Presevo Valley. Asked if it is possible peaceful unification of Albanians in Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece, Kosovo and southern Serbia, Petrovic said: "If these countries, victims of a Greater Albania, dormant, in some cases, dolls American policy, accept that this happens, it means suicide. This should be used multipolarëshe world developments, to weaken the impact of the United States of America and other powers that support the idea of ​​a Greater Albania ".

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Codes of meetings

Codes of meetings, which should be known by every woman

During the first months, when you're meeting with your partner, keep in mind these codes and try to stick to them.
Use the art of 'pakapshmes'
Men may say they hate women who can not do for itself within the first three meetings. However, single women, which make them fall for those that leave them hanging without giving a clear answer from the beginning.

Do not fall into the trap!
At the beginning of the relationship your partner will test to see how far you are able to go, and if you have a 'composition' due to a serious relationship. Be careful and do not fall into this trap. If any of his request seems unreasonable to you, do not hesitate to tell me.

Do not express love!
When you start to see a person, even if you think you are madly in love, do not express your feelings immediately. The best thing would be to wait for it to be expressed in terms of the first issue, because if you do the first, can not settle down and try on, because I know you already won.

Do not change your life!
Keep in mind that this person, with whom I meet is just a part of your life. It's not your whole life and if you come on a pedestal, devoting all the time, could lose more. Do not change your whole life overnight, just because you start to see it.