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Friday, April 12, 2013

20 things that need to know every mother

Read our 20 tips that will help your child be life easier and happier!

Can you get a child to eat healthy
Let the child in the kitchen. "The children feel important when participating in the preparation of food. If you feel proud to have contributed to the final product, will probably be more open to what food to eat, "says nutricionistja Christine Mastrangelo.

Motherhood is not linear
OK to make mistakes. The important thing is how to deal with them. Learn from them and go ahead-not "bite" itself.

Let the fathers to be parents
In this culture of perfection, easily fall into the trap that something will not be good enough - if that thing does not do it yourself. Children love and need different kinds of love. As long as it does the father is not dangerous - leave!

Arrange clothes for the whole week is ahead
To have mornings working days less chaotic, on Sunday evening planning what will clothe the child during the entire week. This routine can become a small fashion show fashion, in what will surely delight your child.

How often have family dinners
Dinner is a great time to listen to what each day has been, what they have learned in school. Regardless of whether you prepare food or have ordered, important is the time that you spend together.

Say NO, it may be OK
Saying "no" may sound bad, but so children will learn patience. There is no need to rule with iron hand, but sometimes if the child say "no" will not disturb the status of most beloved mother.

Qeshuni with themselves
Next time when you see yourself as you eat the piece of cheese, which is stuck in the hair, qeshuni. Motherhood is wonderful, fun and serious - enjoy!

There will be increased nose
If so you will get the child to eat broccoli or to regulate their own toys - sometimes it is okay to tell a small lie.

Apology accepted
Spouse apologize, why can not the children? Even though you and father are legally at home, you can have fault. Apology is a small gesture with which the child will learn that no one is perfect. Your child will realize that all make mistakes and that it is best to accept and learn from them rather than ignored and someone else gets hurt.

Do not feel guilty you do - or do not
Despite controversy about how long it takes to stay with the child at home, it is important that you make the decision that corresponds to your family and because of that you feel good. The baby will thank you later.

You've already done the fifth grade
Be careful when play shpëtimtaren. Although several times during your child forgets homework, do not run after him at school. Should start hold themselves accountable. Help about tasks, but do not choose their place - so do just kundërshërbim.

Happy marriage - happy family
In order to keep time for yourself and spouse. When both are happy and feel connected, you will be stronger and positive examples for your children. Therefore arrange child maintenance if you plan to go out at night or weekend stay half an hour longer in bed while your kids watch cartoons.

Family community, with less stress
There is ideal for quality time with the kids. But often anticipate the everyday things that bind us. Whether it's laughter because of the movie or driving children to school, we use the best of every moment together.

Motherhood is not a race
Some mothers know how to be competitive, but that does not mean that post to endorsing. Instead, miqësojuni with mothers who quietly could share declines and downs of motherhood.
It is difficult to send by hand
Sometimes it hurts my heart until I see children growing up. Maybe I'll laugh together while watching a movie or discuss an event, but your kids will not hold you hand while walk down the street - if you want a little walk with you. Only one thing you have in mind - however be difficult, your relationship will be further developed.

Most frequent quarrels between siblings than between friends - the kind of unconditional love defines family. Judging by reporters Yes Bronson and Ashley Merryman, authors of the book NurtureShock: New Thinking About Children, brothers and sisters who spend time together and argue, would later be closer than those who play separately.

We all know that super mothers do not exist, and therefore it is okay to occasionally ask for help. If you post to ask the boss that early escape from work or mother-in-law to keep their children in the afternoon - do this thing. Even you would have felt better if we had helped someone, so do not waste time worrying about it if you would look weak if you know that you need help. Do not forget either your mother - she has grown and well you're doing, so must know something about children.

Time for yourself
"Time for yourself" is important for your body and soul, so pay attention when the rest of everything, whether it comes to reading the book or exit with Mike.

Be a good example
Can speak as you want to exercise are healthier, but the important thing is that you also sometimes to prove this by example. Therefore, motherhood is so scary and exciting - pressure you are good example. Exercise, do not gossip, read books and eat tree-anything can compensate when they sleep.

Put your rules
At the end of the day, you should be aware of what is best for you and your family. Shoot books about being parents who say that have forever destroyed if the child does not go to bed on time, or not pursuing piano lessons. It is important to try to learn - and all the mistakes you want.


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