Have Funn

having funn

Monday, April 22, 2013

That's why the egg is so important for our health!

1. Eggs are excellent for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent damage to the eye, due to the carotenoid content of a substance, specifically "lutein" and "zezaxanthin". Both of these help to absorb by our body from the egg, which has the highest percentage compared with other foods.

2. People who consume eggs every day, have a low risk to be affected by cataracts (eye veil).

3. One egg contains 6gr protein and 9 types of amino acids.

4. Reference, Harvard University studies public health, the egg is very good for heart disease such as: prevent, the heart attack, blood clots, etc..

5. Are rich with "choline". One yolk contains 300 micrograms of "choline", which is an important component that helps in the development of the brain, nervous system, and cardiovascular system.


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