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Sunday, May 5, 2013

Facebook cause psychotic episodes to Madness

Facebook cause psychotic episodes to Madness

Facebook causes episodes psychopath and disappointments. So announces a study on the social network Facebook and other social networks. Israeli scientists not refute the thesis that Facebook can lead and able madness.
Researchers from the University of Tel Aviv have noticed that patients who have been treated have noticed that depending on internet display, to virtual connections that have grown in social networking sites.
And so participants in these networks exhibit problems with loneliness.
Dr. Uri Nitzan of Tel Aviv University said: 'If you use the Internet spreads more and more will be added and psikopatologjitë. Communication with the computer as Facebook are an important part of this story.
The study took life after a strict observation that the doctor did 3 patients.
These patients had virtual connection to the Internet, even though they were initially made ​​a positive feel, the hurt feelings, in a more subdued and intimate to treason.
"In any case, they present symptoms like anxiety, frequent disappointments, and intensify the online and real forget it. But, the good news is that each of those patients who were treated separately privately asked for help and recovered himself with proper treatment and care, "said Nitzan


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