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Sunday, May 5, 2013

10 ideas that changed the world, from Copernicus to Einstein's

10 ideas that changed the world, from Copernicus to Einstein's
Plato believed that each of us seeks to be a human being and realize that philosophy is the science that helps us to find the way to this realization. At the time of his philosophy was a new discipline. One of the more radical ideas of Plato was equality between human fulfillment and happiness, with what he described as the internal harmony of our psyche. If we take a look Greek poets Homer and all that were before him, it was a foreign affairs. Plato said that justice and virtue are internal matters, ie the internal state of the soul. Later this view was held by Plato and Christianity came what they call conscience. Plato's idea was a big step forward in the history of Western religion and ethics and had an impact on the development of Christianity.
Theory of the Universe, in which the sun is at its center (Copernicus)
Although Galileo was not the first to suggest the rotation of the Earth around the Sun (and was not even Nicholas Copernicus, after talking to sources Aristarus Greek astronomer who made such a suggestion 2,000 years before them) gave Galileo's discovery of evidence and facts this theory. This theory had a tremendous impact. He discovered sunspots and was one of the first who discovered the moons of Jupiter, which showed that the Earth was not the only center of the universe. He also realized that the Milky Way was not only a bright line in the sky, but a line consisting of many stars. All these discoveries are among the largest ever made in astronomy. The key discovery was the launch of the Galileo research of stars, using telescopes, which will enable more in-depth view of the universe compared to the eye.
With the statement "cogito ergo sum" (I think, therefore I am), Descartes thought put at the center of his research. Instead of starting with physics and the natural world, he began with this human trait. Descartes failed to make a distinction between mind and matter. He rightly called the "father" of modern philosophy. His perspective led to the thought and conscience, as if they were outside the realm of natural science, was a really significant ideas, ideas that still is not fully explored. Philosophy opinions opened the way to a serious study about the perception of human psychological space.
Universal Theory of Gravity
Newton's theory was the first demonstration that mathematics can be used to understand the natural world. So can predict eclipses different a century before they occur, because the orbits of the planets system is very simple. If Newton had not existed, it would probably last a century or more before that someone had come to its conclusion. The concept that the universe is moving according to the rules of mathematics was very important to the culture of the 18th century. Newton's gravity is still the basis of many programs and many inventions of our time.
Adam Smith and his economy "Laissez-Faire"
Greater economic idea of ​​Adam Smith was that individuals should be left free to pursue their interest always in the context of the common good. This idea was revolutionary because, according to her, people have no need of a despot over their heads to oversee the general good. All one needs is the market. This view is borrowed from the World Bank and the rhetoric finds after some of Bush's policies. But there is another idea that partisans are rumors less free market, which gives the government the right to intervene in certain areas. Currently, the so-called "invisible hand" of Adam Smith is a discredited idea, yet it continues to have an impact for better, for worse either.
Freedom of Women
Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) is extremely important. Mary Wollstonecraft criticized all the ways in which women kept "chained" within the framework of feminism. At the end of the 19th century, women were troubled by radical preaching it. Mary thought that women should be free to choose their lives as men. Despite great efforts in the centuries just after World War II in the 60s, the idea of ​​women went near Wollstonecraft. Of course that was a long time since the "revolution" that Mary suggested, but sooner or later this will change came.
Marxist analysis of capital
Marx's analysis is of unique importance because it studied the development of modern capitalism. He said the conflict in the world is not between genders and races, is between 95% of the world population that creates wealth and values ​​and 5% of the population owns the goods. Marx gave us a better explanation about what was happening at the time and we can not reject even today. Capitalism is strengthened and finally people are starting to realize what was happening. It helps people understand for example that the United States invaded Iraq because of its oil required.
Theory of subconscious
Freud explored nënndërgjegjja way through which runs some of our actions, and that leads us to do that consciousness movement would not have ever made, because it would be in our interest. He said the first through dreams, or lapse of speaking people can understand more of their true selves. Freud's subject turned to study human relations, noting that our nature is much more complex and complicated than we remember. Now we live in a post-Freudian society, which means that we believe that emotions are important in motivation of our being. Freud rejected all rational argument.
Theory of Relativity
Einstein's theory was those few that made the world. At first sight does not give this impression, because it is very strange. This theory is at the heart of any modern theory about the functioning of the world, ranging from electricity, magnetism, etc. transistors. Without relativity would not have a modern view of the world, what we have today.
World Wide Web
In less than two decades the network has gone from zero to billions of pages (no one knows exactly how many) giving everyone the opportunity of becoming publisher or broadcaster. He has brought many facilities, but, on the other hand, has made it difficult to keep secrets in this world. Tim Berners-Lee, who invented almost exclusively during 1989 - '90, is Gutenberg of our time. Gutenberg revolutionized printing in 1455, devastated by the authority of the Catholic Church, promoting reform, enabling the science of shaping the new world. The Web is a technology comparable with printing. However, to better assess the consequences of the revolution that began 20 years ago, will need more time.


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