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having funn

How To Save On To Eliminate Acne And PIMPLES?

Are embarrassing acne treatment doses but that function well for their treatment. Follow these steps to save a nag acne and how to have healthy skin and attractive ete. Step


Monday, April 29, 2013

Tourist destinations not preferred by tourists

Destinations like London, Paris or New York are always preferred by tourists all over the world, but there is a little list of cities visited, though they have much to offer.American magazine "Travel and Leisure" offered a list of these underrated destinations, among which listed names like Detroit, Bratislava and Glasgow.Detroit - A wonderful city, so the combination of the brilliant few grandiose projects of various architectural styles....

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How To Save On To Eliminate Acne And PIMPLES?

Are embarrassing acne treatment doses but that function well for their treatment. Follow these steps to save a nag acne and how to have healthy skin and attractive ete.StepIf parent you have acne, you should try to stay in the sun. The sun can dry out the skin and eliminate acne. You can use the beds to get sunlightStep IINext, If parent you want to know how to escape acne, you should drink more water. Water is essential for the function to clean...

Saturday, April 27, 2013

19 amazing facts you did not know

Did you know that a squirrel forgets 50% of the countries where the hazelnuts or walnuts hides the astronauts who visited the area say that the universe smell steak? If the body of an adult man are 60,000 miles of blood vessels? These and many other curiosities publishes news network "Huffington Post" Current studies suggest that our galaxy, the Milky Way, there are up to 400 billion stars and more than 50 billion planets. Scientists believe...

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Eat drink that should Every Morning

Most of us work first to do in the morning is to drink a cup of coffee to relax for the whole day, but few know that there is a drink that is preferred over coffee. This drink is very good for your body and its consumption should become a regular ritual. The recipe is very simple, in a glass of lukewarm water squeeze half a lemon. This will help you to strengthen your immunity and metabolism, to cleanse the body, you will also help to reduce the...

Interesting: Explanation of Dream "I Scoot ... Someone I haunt me!"

I think the most common dreams of all of us, is run and if someone follows us ... Often ask ... what does this mean? Who are we really follow? But in fact this does not mean bad something, it expresses what we are doing in real life. Tells us that we are pursuing a specific objective in life and seek to achieve. But if we're being followed by a monster, wolf or hooded man then we are close to catch the anxiety or depressio...

Trail "scoffed at" NASA

Publication of an image showing the trace activity in March, almost was believed by the scientists of NASA. "Curiosity" images sent to earth by rotating the red planet and one of them clearly seen traces of a machine that had passed over the surface of the planet. Everything became more credible when it was discovered that traces of trajketores of "Curiosity" with those sent to earth which means that something else had gone there before. But...

20 questions to see if you are eligible

A link has to do with finding a person like yourself. It is known that the opposite withdrawn, but if you have very contrasting features, your relationship may not succeed. 1. What is the number of calls that should have a couple in a day? 2. What is the most important thing for a successful connection? 3. What does the betrayal? 4. Will I told her 'I'm sorry', even if it is not your fault? S. How should the couple planned finances? 6. What was...

Tonight spectacular lunar eclipse, the shortest in 60 years

Hours anticipated launch of the phenomenon is about 21:50 in the evening. All eyes to heaven, because tonight could see a lunar eclipse that although partial, will provide unprecedented spectacle, thanks to the full moon. Seeing that weather forecasts are optimistic, this phenomenon will be visible to the naked eye even in our country. But what is projected peak hour? Hours anticipated launch of "obscuring" is about 21:50, when the Moon will...

How to have a fresh mouth and teeth healthy

Enough with the heavy smell of the mouth, with dark spots on the teeth and the teeth of angry meats. Foods that lays the table can give a magic smile though. Here's the advice:If you have white teethPut food on the table conducive to cleaning teeth. Say "yes" mëllagës, its leaves act as a natural brush. Move leaves her finger to teeth and gums. Many are also good for teeth artichoke, apple, salad, orange: these are foods rich in fiber that act...

Women in politics

Albanian women are doing for the first part of the first Parliament in the Legislature, that the years 1945 to 1950. In a total of 82 deputies, six of them were women.Subsequent four-led numbers to 17, increasing progressively to the legislature from 1974 to 1978, where the 250 seats in parliament, 88 of them were women. Some of them also members of the Politburo of those years, was appointed minister for more than one term.Longest female minister...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lasso buys discotheque in Italy and Italian clients bars

Has caused no small sensation in Italy opening night of a bar by an Albanian. Noise is made not to shop, but to conditions that are set by 32-year-old owner, Ramiz Kryemadhi.After purchasing the discotheque in the city of Pordenone, 32-year-old has set as a condition to prevent the entry of young people into the Italian.Discotheque name is "Il Papillon" and was purchased in November of last year.The owner of the premises allocated to the area...

German occupation

Real Madrid are kings kneeling before Borussia Dortmund in the first leg of the Champions League semi-finals held at Signal Iduna Park that ended with the score 4-1 in favor of the home team. Furious locals began and reached the summit ahead goal in the eighth minute. An indentation Mario Goetzes hosted on Robert Lewandowski area to go-ahead goal. In addition guests circulate better ball, but the hosts were very dangerous when they attack. However,...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fifty amazing facts about the Earth

Yesterday marked the worldwide Earth Day, in order to emphasize the importance of preserving the environment and the planet itself. Timing. net transmits the list of 50 incredible facts about the universe, atmosphere, land, sea, designed by Girafa Blog The universe * 150 billion was the cost to the international Space Station, which makes it the most expensive object in history, * 6 billion miles is the furthest distance from Earth is photographed *...

Manhattan, the heart of the heart of the world, history and mysteries.

If New York is America's heart, the heart is the heart of Manhattan. Not just that on the island of 8746 square kilometers live one and a half million inhabitants, it is not just the extreme of development, not simply because it is the center of the "capital" of the UN, and not that they produce billions of dollars. But more than that, Manhattan is a symbol of economic and cultural development. But as is true in Manhattan, who are the people who...

The Louvre Museum

Found Louvre Museum in Paris, France. He is one of the largest museums and world famous and also ranks second in number of visitors.On 8 November 1793, after more than two centuries as the Royal Palace, the Louvre opened as a public museum in Paris by the French Revolutionary government. Today, the collection of the Louvre is one of the richest in the world, with artwork representing 11,000 years of human civilization and culture.The Louvre...

Monday, April 22, 2013

That's why the egg is so important for our health!

1. Eggs are excellent for the eyes. According to one study, an egg a day may prevent damage to the eye, due to the carotenoid content of a substance, specifically "lutein" and "zezaxanthin". Both of these help to absorb by our body from the egg, which has the highest percentage compared with other foods. 2. People who consume eggs every day, have a low risk to be affected by cataracts (eye veil). 3. One egg contains 6gr protein and 9 types of...

Serbs: Greater Albania is ticking, joining in 2016

As will be maps of the Balkans for future generations? Greater Albania Project is just a fantasy, without any basis to countries in the region, or that there are real opportunities in the future to have a greater Albanian state? These are questions the author raises Djordjevic Radeta the headline "Greater Albania is ticking", published yesterday in the Serbian media "Vecernje Novosti". The article author of three scholarly opinions shpalosh...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Codes of meetings

Codes of meetings, which should be known by every womanDuring the first months, when you're meeting with your partner, keep in mind these codes and try to stick to them.Use the art of 'pakapshmes'Men may say they hate women who can not do for itself within the first three meetings. However, single women, which make them fall for those that leave them hanging without giving a clear answer from the beginning.Do not fall into the trap!At the beginning...